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Product number: book09

Author/Producer: Niels Sonnichsen Kromann


In this house in Sønderho on Fanø, Niels Sonnichsen Kromann was born in 1904, and here he died in 1985. Like most of his generation, he had to leave the island after confirmation. He was trained as a carpenter, then trained as a teacher and ended up as head of the school system in Dragør. But he preserved life through a close and warm attachment to his native island and to his childhood home. When he had finished his schoolwork, he began to write the reminiscences that are the core of this book. With warmth and humour, he portrays people from Sønderho's little world so vividly that as a reader you think you have known them all, the strong, the vulnerable, the strange, the warm-hearted. In the book, the descriptions are supplemented with contemporary photographs.


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